Blinking in the bright sunshine, Danny and Steve emerged from the cool darkness of the mountain tunnel and stood for a moment, waiting for their eyes to adjust. By a mutual, unspoken agreement they had gravitated to the mountain first, as a sort of neutral territory where each man could wrestle with his individual doubts and concerns about the day. The gentle, meandering climbing trail started at the base of the mountain, its path alternately winding inside the structure through a series of interactive displays and on the exterior traversing a series of ledges carved into the sculpted artificial lava flows. The high point of the trail emerged behind the top of the waterfall, allowing climbers to get a real sense of the power of the water, and a tremendous view of the Park and its surrounding countryside.

Standing on the ledge beneath the lip of the waterfall, feeling the cool spray drift around him, Danny had tried to settle his bubbling excitement into a more focussed, simmering steadiness. A thrill junkie at heart, he readily embraced opportunity to get his adrenaline flowing, whether by surfing the big waves, visiting Ahi Mauna to check out the newer, more extreme rides that were built each year, or even through mastering his skill with the weapons of his trade, becoming a sharpshooter renowned for his abilities both in competition and in real, dire circumstances. Today, however, would have to be different; he knew he would have to reign in his enthusiasm so as not to overwhelm Steve and push him into activities that would make him uncomfortable, yet at the same time force him to relax and let go of some of the stress that was beginning to threaten his health.

Steve had stood quietly on the ledge, staring at the pouring water while surreptitiously observing his younger partner. The relentless flow of the falls seemed to him like the pressure he felt every day as the head of Five-O: the constant push to get the worst kind of criminals off the street, the political hoops he sometimes had to jump through when the Governor or other federal agencies became involved, the overwhelming concern he had over the safety and health of his detectives, with one in particular at the forefront of his thoughts. As second-in-command, Danny shouldered almost as much of the workload as Steve himself did, and when the younger man's normally lightening-fast reflexes were slowed by fatigue and stress, it left him more vulnerable to the dangers of the job. Now, today, Steve vowed to let his lover relax and enjoy what the Park had to offer, even if it meant that he himself would have ease some of his own iron control.

Leaving the mountain's relative calm behind them, Steve and Danny made their way onto the Park's main thoroughfare. Pathways snaked off in all directions, leading to the children's area, a mock -up of a surfers' beach village, the Park's concert venue, and the main concession area. The crowd, although it had seemed huge at the entrance gate, had dispersed into the Park grounds and scattered, leaving the paths only moderately congested. The two detectives allowed themselves to be carried along with the flow, towards the section where most of the rides were located.

Steve felt his natural reticence rise as the sounds of the midway became louder. Following Danny as the younger man was inexorably drawn toward the thrill rides, his own footsteps dragged slightly and he had to force himself to keep up. As they approached the lineup for a tall wooden roller coaster with the ominous-sounding name of The Mighty Mine Buster, a small colourful sign caught Steve's eye and he slowed to read it. A small smile flickered on to his face, broadening into a grin as he contemplated what he had read. “Danno, wait a moment!” he called ahead to his partner. “There's something here I think you should see.”

Danny obediently stopped and turned back, looking a bit surprised at how far behind Steve had fallen. “What is it, Steve?” he asked, trotting back to where the other man had paused.

“We're going that way.” Steve announced, pointing to the smaller path indicated by the eye-catching sign.

“But the main rides are over there...” Danny trailed off as he swallowed the end of his protest, remembering his vow to himself on the mountain: don't push Steve. He cast a last hopeful look at the roller coaster before slowly starting down the trail Steve had indicated. “What's down here?” He tried to peer ahead, but a stand of trees was blocking his way.

Steve's grin grew as he watched his companion struggle to keep his disappointment from showing. He would let Danny have his fun on the big rides later, but first, there was some business to take care of. “You'll see in a moment,” he promised.

The path curved around the trees, opening up to reveal a group of more traditional fairground rides nestled in a semicircle. An old-fashioned carousel was slowly turning, the brightly painted horses rising and falling to the sound of piped-in calliope music. The tall column of the swing ride rose above the treeline, the collection of bucket seats whirling around high above the ground. At the centre of scene, a low-roofed compound hummed and crackled with the sound of electricity, interspersed with the occasional low thump coming from deep inside its fencing.

Danny's jaw dropped as he realized where it was that Steve was headed. “Bumper cars?” he finally managed to squeak in disbelief. “You want to ride the bumper cars?”

Steve managed a look that was both innocent and smug at the same time. “Sure, Danno; they're the best ride here, as far as I'm concerned! Of course, if you don't think you can keep up, I'll understand completely...” He trailed off, watching the play of emotions on Danny's face as the younger man's gaze flickered back and forth between the cars and himself.

Danny hesitated slightly, studying both the compound and his grinning lover suspiciously. Steve McGarrett was hell on wheels in his Mercury, tearing through the streets of Honolulu with sometimes reckless abandon in his pursuit of an investigation. One could only imagine what he'd be like behind the wheel of a carnival bumper car! Ignoring the trickle of apprehension that made itself felt across the back of his neck, Dan shook his head at Steve. “Oh no, I'll be fine,” he said firmly. “You won't have to worry about me at all.” He shouldered past him, resolutely heading for the compound entrance. “Coming?” he added, looking back provocatively and raising an eyebrow.

“Right behind you,” a determined Steve replied, following him inside.

Waving their ink-stamped hands at the ride attendant, the two men were directed out on to the compound floor where the bumper cars sat motionless, waiting to be boarded. A few other people were already seated, awaiting the start of the next cycle. Danny immediately vaulted into a shiny white car, quickly fastening the restraining strap and grabbing the steering wheel enthusiastically. Steve followed a bit more slowly, mindful of his still-tender leg as he chose and climbed into a bright red vehicle. The attendant recited the list of safety rules and regulations, but the pair of detectives, caught up in a challenging stare-down, barely noticed. With a sharp click the power was turned on, and the ride was underway.

At first all was civil, as the drivers became accustomed to the feel of their vehicles. About halfway through the ride, however, the tone abruptly changed as Danny pointed his car directly at Steve's and bumped him firmly from the side. The red car spun wildly as Steve reacted to the jolt by oversteering, eventually ending up against the wall. Even over the hum of the other vehicles he could hear Danny's gloating laughter as the white car raced by him across the compound. Shaking his head in frustration, Steve manoeuvred himself back out onto the floor and rejoined the fray, quickly accelerating and nudging his lover's vehicle into a slow curve that left Danny facing the wrong way and having most of the other drivers bump into him as they sped by. Smirking, he ignored the younger man's outraged shout and continued on his way.

The other riders, quickly sensing that a battle was brewing between the two detectives, decided to encourage it, alternately weaving around the course to block either Steve or Danny for the other to crash into. While the attendant initially tried to control the melee, in the end he just settled back and watched the impressive display of bumper car offensive and defensive driving, allowing the ride to continue uninterrupted for fully ten extra minutes beyond its normal time limit.

As the power finally clicked off and the bumper cars ground to a halt on the floor, there was a burst of cheering and applause from all the drivers, as well as the attendant and a few other people who were lined up waiting for their turn. Flushed and grinning, Danny clambered out of his white car and gave it an appreciative farewell pat. Steve emerged more slowly from his vehicle, stretching his long legs as he joined his lover in walking to the exit.

“Are you all right, Steve?” Danny asked in concern. “You didn't hurt your stitches with all that bumping and crashing, did you?”

“No, I'm fine.” Steve waved off his worry. “No problems at all. Except, of course for your driving technique. All that bumping and crashing indeed! Is that how you were taught to drive at the academy all those years ago?” Struggling to keep a straight face, he added, “I'm almost tempted to have your license pulled, Danno. No wonder Five-O's accident statistics are so high!”

“What?!” Danny spluttered indignantly. “My driving record is just as good as yours, Steve! I don't think...” he trailed off as he finally caught sight of his partner's face. “Oh, very funny,” he muttered, shaking his head in disgust. “Well, I tell you what, chuckles,” Danny said to the now openly-laughing Steve. “Since you picked this activity, I get to choose the next one. And I choose...” He paused dramatically.

Steve flinched, abruptly sobering at Danny's pronouncement. Forcing himself to relax, he remembered his vow to himself on the mountain: it's all about Danny. As they walked along the Park's main path again, towards the roller coasters, the Five-O chief braced himself to hear his lover's choice, fully expecting the worst.

Danny stole a glance at Steve, and had to bite his lip to keep from laughing; the resigned look on the man's face was truly amusing. For a moment he considered following through with his original plan of taking him to the biggest, fastest coaster the Park had to offer. However, he took pity on his companion and steered him off toward the far corner of the midway. “Here we are, Steve,” he said. “My choice is ... Whitewater Chasm!”

Twenty minutes later the two men emerged from the ride, shoes squelching slightly and clothing showing large damp splotches. The Chasm ride, which consisted of a trip down a twisting artificial stream filled with churning rapids, had not been kind to either man; their inflatable raft had spun and bounced wildly through the water, throwing spray everywhere and leaving them both wishing they had brought a towel.

“Now was that so bad?” Danny was grinning as he shook the water droplets from his curly hair.

Steve tried unsuccessfully to brush the water from his arms and face. “You knew that would happen,” he growled crossly, looking at his soggy shirtsleeves with dismay.

Danny nodded. “It's always a possibility on the water rides,” he said sagely. “Look at the bright side, Steve. It's a good way to stay cool on a hot sunny day!” He watched as a rueful grin finally began to appear on his lover's face. “Come on, let's get a shave ice and we can sit in the sun and dry off, okay?”

“You buying?” Steve was not quite ready to give up his slightly sour mood.

“Of course!” Danny replied instantly. “I'll even let you pick the flavour, as long as it's not grape, that is.”

Somewhat mollified, Steve allowed Danny to lead him to a nearby shave ice stand, where they were quickly served by the cheerful vendor. Moments later, the two detectives were seated atop a grassy knoll, shave ice cups in hand, watching the throngs of people on the paths around them. The warm sun quickly began to dry their damp clothing, and the cool, flavoured ice was a welcome late-morning treat. Comfortable silence reigned between them; a gentle grin had settled permanently onto Danny's face, easing the lines of tiredness, and Steve was feeling the tight coil of internal tension he carried begin to unwind slightly. The Park was clearly working its magic on both men.

It was Steve who finally broke the quiet, turning to his lover with a questioning look on his face. “So, Danno,” he said, waving a hand at the scene before them. “Where to next?”

To be continued...