The sounds were subtle, quiet at first, merely background noise that didn't quite register in Danny's awareness. Gradually, however, the volume increased, and he began to take notice of his surroundings. A solitary walk along the beach had seemed like a good idea to wind down after a long day of casework, but now he was beginning to sense a threat in the normally soothing atmosphere of the shoreline.

From out of the darkness came the steadily increasing sounds of moaning: guttural noises that sent chills down the spine of the young detective. And when shadowy figures began to appear, shuffling slowly but inexorably toward him, he knew he was in real trouble. They came closer, their faces grotesque and contorted in the dim illumination from the distant street lights, twisted claw-like hands reaching for him. Danny spun around, panic rising in his chest, desperately searching for an escape route. He felt a cold and clammy touch on his arm, another on his shoulder, and the reeking, fetid odour of decay reached his nostrils. “No!” he cried out. “Get away, get back! Leave me alone!”

The chorus of moans grew louder in response, and more figures emerged from the shadows. Danny twisted frantically, unable to free himself from the clutching hands; he saw a snarling, teeth-bared mouth looming near, and to his absolute horror felt a tearing pain in his right arm. “Ahh...” he cried again. “Get off... NOOO...!”

“NOOO...!” Danny awoke with a violent start, the shout still echoing in the room and in his throat. He sat bolt upright in the bed, drawing great shuddering gulps of air and running a badly shaking hand through his hair in a desperate but ineffective attempt to calm down. Drops of cold sweat beaded on his forehead and trickled into his eyes, leaving him blinking at the stinging sensation. The nightmare had been vivid and terrifying; Danny sat for several moments, reliving the horrifying, visceral feeling of the dream, until finally his breathing slowed and the trembling eased from his hands and shoulders. Rubbing his hand over the phantom of pain still present in his right arm, Danny shook his head and took a last deep, steadying breath.

“Well, Williams, that should teach you,” he said aloud, his sardonic tone sounding loud and hollow in the now quiet bedroom. “Never, EVER watch a horror movie late when you're already over-stressed from work. No matter what your date wants to do!” Attending a pre-Halloween screening of a classic zombie picture with his lady friend had seemed like a good idea at the time, but now it left him ruefully shaking his head, wondering where his better judgement had been. Padding across the hall to the bathroom, he splashed a handful of cool water onto his face and neck. With a glass of water in hand, he returned to his bedroom, congratulating himself on calming down sufficiently and feeling ready to settle back down to sleep. And promptly dropped the glass, his pulse rate suddenly racing and breath caught in his throat, when the telephone sent its abrupt, shrill summons into the silent room.

Chagrined, but with his heart still pounding and adrenaline buzzing again through his system, Danny reached for the phone. “Williams,” he said, wincing in dismay at the breathless tone in his voice.

“Danno? It's Steve.” If the head of Five-O noticed anything was amiss with his second-in-command, he chose not to comment, instead continuing with almost no hesitation at all. “I need you to meet me at the Governor's official residence as soon as you can be there.”

“Sure, Steve, no problem.” Danny was already reaching for his discarded clothing from earlier in the evening. “What's up?”

There was a brief pause before the reply came back. “There's been a break-in, and the reports would seem to indicate that the intruders were rather... unusual.” Steve cleared his throat and quickly added, “Just get here, Danno, and fast. Chin and Kono are on their way as well.”

“I'll be there shortly, Steve. Goodbye.” The young detective dropped the receiver back into the cradle and continued getting dressed. Stepping over the fallen water glass, he picked up his badge and service weapon from the bedside table, also taking the time to strap on his second gun in its ankle holster. A moment later, fully dressed, alert, and properly armed, Danny snapped the door to his apartment closed and headed out into the night.